Wednesday, November 27, 2019
ISTORICUL HRILOR Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers
ISTORICUL HRILOR Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers ISTORICUL HRILOR Primele hri au fost fcute de babilonieni n jurul anului 2300 .H., fiind realizate pe plci de clei. Hri mai cuprinztoare au fost gsite n China, fiind fcute pe mtase i datnd din sec. II .H. Aptitudinea i nevoia de a cartografia pare a fi universal. Una dintre cele mai interesante tipuri de hri primitive este harta marin din trestie construit de ctre locuitori Insulei Marshall din sudul Oceanului Pacific. Arta cartografierii a avut mari progrese in civilizaiile Maya i Inca, iar incaii, nc din sec. XII d.H., au nceput s realizeze hri ale teritoriilor cucerite. Se presupune c prima hart care a reprezentat lumea cunoscut a fost fcut de filosoful grec Anaximandru, n sec. VI .H. Avea form circular i arta teritoriile cunoscute ale lumii, grupate n jurul Mrii Egee, fiind aflate n mijlocul hrii si nconjurate de ocean. Una dintre cele mai faimoase hri ale timpurilor clasice a fost fcut de ctre geograful grec Eratostene n jurul anului 200 .H. Reprezenta lumea cunoscut de la Anglia, n nord-vest, pn la gura de vrsare a rului Gange, n est, i pn la Libia, n sud. Aceasta hart a fost prima care s aib linii transversale paralele care s arate latitudini egale. Harta a avut, de asemeni, nite meridiane, dar erau neregulat spaiate. n jurul anului 150 d.H., nvatul alexandrian Ptolemeu a publicat hri geografice ale lumii, realizate de el, bineneles. Acestea erau primele hri care s utilizeze proiecie conic precis din punct de vedere matematic, dei deineau mai multe erori, cum ar fi proporii excesive ale teritoriilor din Eurasia. Dup cderea Imperiului Roman, cartografierea n Europa a ncetat; astfel de hri au mai fost fcute de obicei de clugri, care adesea nfiau Terra incorect. Marinarii arabi, totui, au fcut i utilizat hri marine foarte precise n aceeai perioad. Geograful arab al-Idrisi a realizat o hart a lumii n 1154. ncepnd aproximativ din sec. XIII, navigatorii din Marea Mediteranean au fcut hri marine exacte, cu linii care artau trasee ntre porturi importante. Aceste hri erau, de obicei, numite portolano. n sec. XV, copii ale hrilor lui Ptolemeu au fost tiprite n Europa; pentru urmtoarele sute de ani aceste hri au exercitat o mare influen asupra cartografilor europeni. O hart fcut n 1507 de ctre Martin Waldseemller, un cartograf german, a fost probabil prima care s poat folosi numele America, conform noilor teritorii transatlantice descoperite. Harta, tiprit pe 12 coli de hrtie diferite, a fost de asemenea prima care s separe n mod clar America de Sud i Nord de Asia. n 1590, Abraham Ortelius, un cartograf flamand, a publicat primul atlas modern, Orbis Terrarum. Coninea 70 de hri. n sec. XVI, muli ali cartografi au fcut hri n care erau incorporate informaii ct mai multe aduse de ctre navigatori i exploratori. Gerardus Mercatur este cel care, totui, este recunoscut ca cel mai mare cartograf al Erei Descoperirilor. Corectitudinea hrilor aprute mai trziu a fost cu mult sporit datorit determinrilor mai precise ale latitudinii i longitudinii i mulumit mrimii i formei Pmntului. Primele hri care s prezinte variaii ale busolei au fost fcute n prima jumtate a sec. XVII, iar primele hri marine care s arate curenii oceanului au fost realizate n jurul anului 1665. Pn n sec. XVIII, principiile tiinifice ale cartografiei au fost dovedite i majoritatea erorilor remarcabile implicau pri neexplorate ale lumii. Pe la sfritul sec. XVIII, cum fora iniial a explorrii lumii era micorat i naionalismul ncepuse s devin o for puternic, un numr de ri europene au nceput s preia studii topografice naionale detaliate. Completa studiere topografic a Franei a fost publicat in 1793; msura aproximativ 11 metri pe fiecare parte. Marea Britanie, Spania, Austria, Elveia i alte ri au urmat dup Frana. In Statele Unite, studiul geologic a fost organizat in 1879 pentru a face hri topografice la scar mare a ntregii ri. n 1891, Congresul Geografic Internaional a propus cartografierea ntregii lumi pe o scar de 1:1,000,000, o sarcin care nc rmne s fie terminat. n sec. XX, cartografia a suferit o serie de inovaii tehnice majore. Fotografierea aerian a fost developat n timpul primului rzboi mondial i a fost mult utilizat n timpul celui de-al doilea rzboi mondial n cartografie. ncepnd n 1966 cu lansarea satelitului Pageos, i continund
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Why Awe Matters More Than Quantity
Why Awe Matters More Than Quantity is a favorite site of mine. It takes life, slows it down, and teaches me how to give it more substance and deep down quality. It makes me ponder my existence. We all need that periodically. Maybe we need it more often than that. This post stopped me longer than most, Why We Need To Cultivate Awe In The Workplace.à Humans crave to be part of something larger than self . . . and once we think about it, we actually call it awe. We teach it to our children, or in many cases, we remember it Awe is akin to soul. I believe that when we sense something bigger than ourselves, when awe stops us in our tracks, we are tapping into our soul. We allow that door to open a tad, letting out emotionà we are often afraid to embrace. As adults we tend to guard ourselves, fearful of letting down the wall. As stated in this piece, when we sense awe, We see our fragility and vulnerability, which gives us a profound sense of humility. We dont like feeling fragile or vulnerable, and all too often, we let that fear inhibit us in how we write, how we publish, and how we market ourselves. Yet, we are in awe of those authors who dare to write a daring tale, expose their inner thoughts, and throw themselves before the publics eye. And the author who writes the memorable story is revered more than the author who wrote 15 stories and made money, though we cannot recall the characters. We should strive to be in awe of our work, and awe-struck
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Social Impact of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Social Impact of Business - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to discuss different privacy issues in the workplace and to identify situations in which is justified or unjustified to monitor employees. Four interesting topics in the workplace privacy debate are electronic monitoring, romance in the workplace, employee drug testing, and employee honesty testing. Electronic monitoring is an HR trend that has grown in popularity in the workplace environment of the 21st century. Electronic monitoring involves the use of technology to track and spy on the behavior of the employees at work. Four electronic monitoring practices are to track the use of the internet, read emails send and received, bug telephone lines, and to use cameras to watch the actions of the employees at work. One of the reasons that employers use electronic monitoring at work is productivity concerns (Heathfield, 2013). Employees also monitor the behavior of employees to protect themselves against legal liability associated with the actions of the empl oyees. One of the major cons of using electronic monitoring at work is that it breaks the bond of trust between the employees and the employer and that it can be perceived by some workers as creating a hostile environment at work. Employee drug testing policies have been used in the United States by employers for decades. The reason that companies test their employees for drug usage is that the use of drugs can impair the ability of a person to perform his job duties at work. In some jobs it is outright dangerous to use drugs while at work such as airplane pilots, bus drivers, and operators of heavy machinery. Most people in the United States are in favor of a drug free environment, but society is changing and the perception of the use of certain drugs has evolved. In 2012 the states of Colorado and Washington legalized the use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Corporations operating in these states face an ethical dilemma in regards to their position on marijuana usage. Smoking weed at work obviously should be prohibited, but imposing anti-marijuana policies on their employers during their own hours contradicts the stand taken by the government of these states. Eliminating marijuana from its list of drugs that are tested in drug tests to potential and current employees seems like the logical adjustment to the drug policies of companies in these states. Men and women in the workplace get to spend a lot of time together performing work duties. During this time people talk and get to know each other. From this friendship sometimes two persons get romantically involved. Romance in the workplace is a controversial topic. Most companies prohibit people from having relationships. This policy is justifiable because romance in the workplace can lead to a conflict of interest. A way to keep the employees that get involved in a romantic relationship is by transferring them to different divisions or locations of the company. In regards to honesty testin g in the workplace this topic does not bring too much controversy as most employees visualize these types of tests as socially acceptable. There are different situations in which is inappropriate to monitor the activities of employees. Companies at times enter into labor disputes with the employees and its union. In such circumstances employees may go on strike. During a work strike it is inappropriate for the employer to monitor
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The impact of globalization on HRM in multinational organizations Assignment
The impact of globalization on HRM in multinational organizations - Assignment Example It has brought about an integration of the companies all over the world and has facilitated trade by way of reducing transportation costs and doing away with the barriers to trade. Globalisation has also facilitated a free flow of goods and service, knowledge, skills, capital and labour. During a strong economic growth period world exports shot up in various countries thereby contributing heavily to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Previously, human resource management (HRM) was typically concerned with the cost cutting activities and the administrative activities, focusing on bringing about efficiency in the system and the minimised the cost. However in the present world the role of HRM has changed and focuses on an organizationââ¬â¢s long-term objective. The companiesââ¬â¢ business strategies were affected by globalisation in a large manner. The companies had access to a large variety of markets and could market their products in global markets. The emerging markets of the developing countries are of lucrative content to such MNCs who are looking to diversify. Due to the emergence of new markets the external financing sources of the companies also increase. A very important source of financing is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) that has opened avenues for the MNCs to invest in the developing countries. FDI has a dual benefit to both the country and the company. There is a global market for the products of the MNCs. Moreover due to abundance of labour resources in the developing countries the MNCs often shift their production processes to such countries such that they can carry out production at low costs. Also the political stabilisations across the globe and the favourable relations between the countries have made positive impac ts on the strategic positions of the companies. The socio-political globalisation has given rise to regulatory bodies that govern the different policies that mark the path of trade between various companies. The most
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Concept Of Libel Essay Example for Free
The Concept Of Libel Essay This thesis seeks to look at the constituents of libel and distinguished from slander. The paper shall therefore begin by laying down a definition of the term libel and later look at the key elements that ought to be proved in a libel suit in reference to the New York Times Co. V. Suillivan suit and lastly look at the defenses that exist and the place of press ombudsman in handling libel cases. The laws of different jurisdictions have laid down distinctions between libel (a written defamation) and/or slander (an oral defamation). This thesis looks into defamation indepthly. Defamation has been defined in general terms as a communication which exposes a person to hatred, ridicule, or contempt, lowers such persons esteem, causes him to be shunned or injures him in his business or calling. (Phelps and Hamilton; 1966). It is therefore any written communication that holds a person up to contempt hatred, ridicule or scorn, thus in establishing a case of libel, one must proof that words published actually damaged the reputation of the person. (Roger V. Jackson Sun Newspaper 23 M. L. R. 1670 [1995]) and that at lease a significant minority of the community belief that as a result of these publications the plaintiff has been damaged. (Saudner V. WHYY TV, 382 A 2d. 257, [1998]). Injury that amounts from Libel is viewed in numerous ways. The injury may be as to have only hurt the reputation or it may have lowered ones reputation as to deprive them off their rights to enjoy social contacts. On the other hand, a personââ¬â¢s ability to hold a job or make a living may also be injured. (Yankwich; 1956) A person thus needs to show that they have been injured in one of the three ways for compensations to occur in libel suits. The institution of civil action for libel can be brought by any person however in instances where such persons die, it is a general principle that libel suits can not proceed or be instituted. However, the enactment of survival statutes in some jurisdictions has enabled relatives to proceed with such suits in instances where the plaintiff dies. In examining the locus standi of incorporated business they are entitled to actions for libel, however, cities, countries and agencies for the American government and governments the general can not excise loci standi in libel quite (City of Chicago . v. tribune publishing co. 139 n. e. 2d 86 [1923]) . The concept of burden of proof heavily lies on the plaintiff in libel cases. He must establish five key element of which this section shall delve into briefly before the law recognizes a statement and /or comment as being civil libel, it must be published According to law, publication occurs when one person, in addition to the writer and person who is defamed hear or see the material. Oftenly publication in newspapers or broadcast on television is presumed to have been disclosed to third parties. (Hornby. v. Hunter 385 S. W 2d 473 [1964]). Secondly the injured party must show the court that the exclusion of his name on the list of his best selling book was defamatory was held not to have validity as it had not specified his name in the list. The plaintiff must therefore be identified in the New York Times . v. Sullivan; the Montgomery police commissioner sought damages for false defamatory statement about the conduct of the Montgomery police department though he was never named in the ad. He contended that the comments on behavior of police also reflected on him. It was however established that plaintiff fell under the definition of all-purpose public figure whose job occupation is that of pervasive power and influence they are deemed public figures. Thirdly the examination of words as to constitute defamatory language is of essence . In libel cases, words are ordinarily considered in light of their ordinary meaning unless the evidence is persuasive as to show that the defendant meant something else(Mc Bride . v. Mewell Dow). Libel plaintiff must generally prove that the defamatory statements are false. This concept of falsity however differs with regards to public and private entities. In this case, if the plaintiff is a private person, they must prove the falsity of the libelous statement only when the subject matter is a matter of public concern (Philadelphia news paper Inc. v. Hepps). In the new York Times Co. v. Sullivan, the US court unanimously reversed the decision in this case stating that Sullivan could not recover damages in the case unless he proved that the defendant published false and defamatory advertisement knowingly or that the paper exhibited reckless disregard for the truth when it printed the material. The proof of reckless disregard for the truth was established in Garrison. v. Louisiana , by proving that the defendant had a high degree of awareness of probable falsity. The defenses that lie within a libel suit fall under the enactment of the first Amendment that establish the freedom for airing oneââ¬â¢s opinion. However a person cannot also sue for libel if he or she has consented to the publication of the defamatory material (Pressley. v. Continental Can co. ). In another case, defense falls under the concept of right to reply which is mostly interpreted as a self-defense concept where if a person has written defamatory statements about another party, such party may reply in defense. Reference: American Law Institute: 379 U. S. 64(1964). Restatement of Tort 2 ed, Philadelphia American Law. Ashley, P. Say it safely. 5th ed. Seuttle University of Washington Press 1976. D,H. B. Libel law Doesnââ¬â¢t Work. But can it be fixed and in what price? Libel law and freedom of the press; Marton. L. New York(1993). Phelps, Robert, and Douglas Hamilton, Libel. New York:Macmillan 1966. Sinolla,Rodney. Suing the Press, New York: Oxford University Press,1986.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Trauma Victim in the Emergency Room Essays -- Descriptive Essay Example
The day started like any other. Quiet, but with an underlying vibration waiting to explode. Freshly brewed coffee and the sharp smell of disinfectant mixed in the air like a foreign perfume. Uniformed staff busied themselves with paperwork while waiting for the moment we all knew would come with the lunch hour approaching. It was a typical morning in the emergency room of Presby Plano. We were all standing around, relaxed, discussing our previous weekend adventures. As the call came over the radio we swiftly took our places in expectation of what was to come. A construction worker was hit in the head with a 500-pound slab of granite swinging from a crane. The crane operator didnââ¬â¢t see him as he moved that solid piece of rock from one point to the next. The soft rustle of protective gear being put on over scrubs filled the room as we methodically dressed for the trauma that was about to roll through the door. We tied masks with eye shields around our heads as carts wheeled past into the room in which we would perform our heroic duties. ââ¬Å"ETA, one minute.â⬠, the radio crackled. We calmly looked at each other with the look of serious determination running across our faces, we shot each other glances that said, ââ¬Å"We can make this right.â⬠Lights swirled in the courtyard as we shuffled toward the rough sound of the ambulanceââ¬â¢s motor. Doors swung open as patient history supplied by the EMT resonated over the sound of the truck. We parted like the waves of the Red Sea to let the gurney wheel by into the trauma room. A calmness floated in the air as if giving cognitive reasoning a resounding voice. We assembled quickly and stood in our positions. I was only a volunteer, only there to observe, yet I was thrown quickly into the ... ...e a jack hammer, catching a few of us off guard. Sterile water spewed from the spout of the irrigation device onto the skull of the hurt man. After a few minutes, the wound was clean and the bleeding controlled. Staples were clamped onto his head, closing the once gaping hole. The doctor left the trauma room, leaving us to pick the bits of tissue from the hair that remained on the man's head. The two of us remaining gathered around his head and proceeded to snag the soft gobs of pink flesh from his hair as gently as possible, so as not to disturb our newly finished work. He was taken to another room to recover as we left the scene of the previous mayhem. Staff congratulated me on a job well done, as this was my first trauma. I felt proud and alive, I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I will never forget that moment realization hit home. Trauma Victim in the Emergency Room Essays -- Descriptive Essay Example The day started like any other. Quiet, but with an underlying vibration waiting to explode. Freshly brewed coffee and the sharp smell of disinfectant mixed in the air like a foreign perfume. Uniformed staff busied themselves with paperwork while waiting for the moment we all knew would come with the lunch hour approaching. It was a typical morning in the emergency room of Presby Plano. We were all standing around, relaxed, discussing our previous weekend adventures. As the call came over the radio we swiftly took our places in expectation of what was to come. A construction worker was hit in the head with a 500-pound slab of granite swinging from a crane. The crane operator didnââ¬â¢t see him as he moved that solid piece of rock from one point to the next. The soft rustle of protective gear being put on over scrubs filled the room as we methodically dressed for the trauma that was about to roll through the door. We tied masks with eye shields around our heads as carts wheeled past into the room in which we would perform our heroic duties. ââ¬Å"ETA, one minute.â⬠, the radio crackled. We calmly looked at each other with the look of serious determination running across our faces, we shot each other glances that said, ââ¬Å"We can make this right.â⬠Lights swirled in the courtyard as we shuffled toward the rough sound of the ambulanceââ¬â¢s motor. Doors swung open as patient history supplied by the EMT resonated over the sound of the truck. We parted like the waves of the Red Sea to let the gurney wheel by into the trauma room. A calmness floated in the air as if giving cognitive reasoning a resounding voice. We assembled quickly and stood in our positions. I was only a volunteer, only there to observe, yet I was thrown quickly into the ... ...e a jack hammer, catching a few of us off guard. Sterile water spewed from the spout of the irrigation device onto the skull of the hurt man. After a few minutes, the wound was clean and the bleeding controlled. Staples were clamped onto his head, closing the once gaping hole. The doctor left the trauma room, leaving us to pick the bits of tissue from the hair that remained on the man's head. The two of us remaining gathered around his head and proceeded to snag the soft gobs of pink flesh from his hair as gently as possible, so as not to disturb our newly finished work. He was taken to another room to recover as we left the scene of the previous mayhem. Staff congratulated me on a job well done, as this was my first trauma. I felt proud and alive, I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I will never forget that moment realization hit home.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Warid Telecom (Researchà Report) Table of Content * Acknowledgment * Dedication * Introduction to telecommunication * Introduction to Research * Research Problem * Problem Statement * Literature Review * Hypothesis * Sample Selection * Research Methodology * Data Collection * Independent Variable * Dependent Variable * Hypothesis testing * Result of Research * Selection of Alternative Htpothesis * Measurement of downsizing * Effect of Downsizing * Analysis through Pie chart * Conclusion * Reference ACKNOWLEDGMENT All acclamation to Allah who has empowered and enabled us to accomplish the task successfully First of all we would like to thank our Allah Almighty who really helps us in every problem during the project. We would like to express our sincere and humble gratitude to Almighty whoââ¬â¢s Blessings, help and guidance has been a real source of all our achievements in our life. We would like to admit that we completed this project due to parents who pray for our success. We also wish to express our appreciation to our supervisor SIR. ABDUL HAQ & MISS NAYLA who helps us and introduce us to new dimensions of knowledge in Research. Last but not the least our team efforts, support, cooperation and encouragement showed by each member in the group with each other. DEDICATION Our PROJECT is dedicated to our beloved Parents, teachers, brothers, sisters and all of our-selves. Introduction to Research Establish a research territory: >Show the importance / relevance / interest of the research area=> Advertising is targeted messages that communicate information from a company to individual and groups of consumers. This medium allows companies to draw consumers to the company's goods and services. In can also influence consumer buying behavior, which helps companies increase sales revenue Introduce and review previous research in the area Establish a niche: ;The purpose of this research is to basically know the impact of advertisement on the consumers so Occupy the niche: ;state the nature and purpose of your research ;indicate the shape of your paper / forecast the findings This paper examines the. The focuses on the events surrounding the downsizing ofWarid Telecomà in 2009 and 2010 and its effect on the employees of Ward, Research problem Background: Advertisingà is a form ofà communicationà intended toà persuadeà an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideas, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particularà brand. These messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various media. Advertising can also serve to communicate an idea to a large number of people in an attempt to convince them to take a certain action. The question arises that is the huge amount of money that a brand spend on its advertisement is always beneficial for it or not? Problem Statement Does the advertisement influence the buying behavior of costumers or not? What is Waridââ¬â¢s Brand perception and what critical factors are influencing the operator switching decisions of consumers? Literature Review Research papers on decrease in Workforce are: Synopsis of the ââ¬ËLiterature review on workforce innovation, workforce productivity, planning and modelingââ¬â¢ Background Increasing workforce productivity and efficiency is particularly important in the context of changing demographics, technological advances and rising costs. New and amended roles, new ways of working, clinical pathway redesign, multi-professional team working, collaborative working and advances in technology can help to all help to achieve this. In December 2008, the Workforce Transformation Project (9) Workforce Modelling Group (WMG) commissioned a Literature Review to establish the evidence and impact of workforce innovations and different workforce models on efficiency, effectiveness and quality of care, as well as understanding the possible implications for workforce planning. The literature review was undertaken by Warwick University in collaboration with the NHS Workforce Review Team and was finalized in May 2009. Key aims of the Review The aim was to review the published and grey literature and provide both general and specific evidence on: Innovations in workforce development in the health sector, particularly those aimed at improving workforce productivity and/ or the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of patient care. To include new and innovative roles, new ways of working andà deploying health care staff, alternative service models, education and training interventions, direct and indirect remuneration and reward strategies, and how the use of new technology in the workplace is incorporated into workforce development Examples of best practice and proven methods with workforce models, evidence of effectiveness and with proven successful outcomes, quality measures, costs and benefits analysis and issues which arise for change management and implementation. To include examples from sectors other than health but which could be replicated within and health care context. Evidence of improved workforce productivity and workforce development associated with the successful transfer of services from acute, hospital based services to community based provision. Understand how innovation in workforce planning has been/can be incorporated into workforce planning and development and used within workforce modelling tools. (Reference 3) The main de-motivating factors in work are as follows: 1. Inadequate salary: the workers estimate the value of their work by the salary they receive. A poor salary has a negative effect on their work. A salary is satisfactory when the worker gets what he expects, what others doing the same sort of work are getting, and what is generally regarded as being fair. . Bad working conditions: if the working conditions are not satisfactory, the workers are discouraged and lose their enthusiasm in work. 3. Inefficient administration: workers like to work for an efficient and fair administration. An efficient administration discourages the workers during their routine duties, in one way or another. 4. Incompetent supervision: the workers expect their supervision to be technically competent. If they fail to help at difficul t times, they lose the respect of their sub ordinates. 5. Poor interpersonal relations with management: the supervisors should treat their subordinates fairly and try to have good personal relations with them. Supervisors who have favourites or who are dishonest in reporting on the work of the staff are disliked. The work suffers greatly as a result. 6. Personal qualities of the leader: A leader has two forms of authority: (i) that of his position, (ii) that of his person. (Reference 4) 2008 brought problems for Warid as she is in serious crisis, downsizing has started, and other strategic decisions have to be taken to survive in this competitive market. Letââ¬â¢s see can $250 million save Warid? The problem of Warid Telecom is the HR of the company itself related to un? necessary manpower induction, without a JD and absence of a post induction appraisal system based on merit, which are all big question marks. Marketing strategy is the amalgamation of all other telecos of Pakistan, and heavily playing on price without much of a result, as it is not being tailored according to Waridââ¬â¢s Vision. Most of the Middle East Companyââ¬â¢s favorite strategy is the price war, and the only positioning they know is cheaper rates. Warid Telecom was involved throughout the year in the activities below: â⬠¢Planning to expand its coverage to approximately 250 more cities. No timeframe has been announced for the expansion, but Warid has said it aims to include remote and rural areas, focusing on the Northern Areas (NA), Azzad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Baluchistan, which came to me as a surprise, as such areas have already not been covered and why? The GM marketing of Warid has resigned from the company fearing questioning of lapsing 80% of the total marketing budget in just 3 months. â⬠¢Total investment in Pakistan will touch $1. 5 billion by the end of this year while the company will further increase its investment in the telecom sector by $1 billion by the end of 2009. â⬠¢One good thing which came concrete this year is change of companyââ¬â¢s logo to something more 3 D. â⬠¢Started its commercial launch of in? flight connectivity with AeroMobile. Ericsson signs pact of $300 million to expand its GSM network, including its Core, Radio, Transmission network equipment and VAS platforms â⬠¢Launched in collaboration with AMES the entertainment and digital media portal in Pakistan â⬠¢Deployed a solar powered BTS site using Huaweiââ¬â¢s Solar Powered Macro Base Station (BTS) â⬠¢Launched a new Public Call Office (PCO) scheme in ZEM Pocket PCO â⬠¢Launched Location Based Services. Service enabled subscribers to locate the whereabouts of their family members, friends or colleague. Reference 5) The literature often assesses the downsizing of a company in terms of ââ¬Å"announced layoffsâ⬠(cf. De Meuse et al. , 1994; Gombola and Tsetsekos, 1992; Wertheim and Robinson, 2000). Hypothesis Null Hypothesis: Layoff create motivation and no effect on workforce of warid Alternative Hypothesis: Downsizing Create de-motivation and Decrease in workforce of Warid Telecom Sample Selection Select the behavior (warid): Warid have different offices in every location and different franchise in every area, but here we select the main office and on Gulberg office, and some more location here Warid Telecom Ltd Office / Branch / Corporate Address: Spencers Building, Opp Railways Headquarters, Lahore Description: Marked by: Guest We select the sample on the basis of random sampling; warid office is considering random sampling for the employee of warid. Define the target behavior (employees): After selecting the behaviors, we specifically define the target behaviors in ââ¬Å"observable and measurableâ⬠terms. Observable and measurable refers to behaviors that are easily observed, countable, have a beginning and an end, and are repeatable. Systematic random sampling Goal: Randomly select 25 employees from a data set of 150 recorded employees. Process: 150? 25=6. Select every 6th record in the data set. To prevent selection bias given the order of the records on the data set, the records may be sorted by name prior to random selection. Data=employees; by name; data sample; set employees; Research Methodology Data Collection Choose a data collection system: Descriptions Ageà between 25-45 Incomeà between 8000-25,000 Genderà Both Males and Female Locationà Warid website,à Warid employees Data were collected from the following four sources: Primary Data Collection: Observations Whereas here data collection records the outcome of employees, observational recording systems are used to record samples employeesââ¬â¢ layoff as they are occurring. There are several basic systems for recording observational data. When executives view labor as a cost rather than an asset, they likely will attempt to maximize the cost reduction, leading to larger layoffs. Employees Interviews Interviews involve asking someone information about a subject. They can be conducted with both children and adults. This assessment technique helps establish a relationship with the person giving the information. Interviews are often openended, allowing the interviewer to gather additional information as needed. The research techniques that are adopted for the purpose of this study are as follows: The formal interview include people from management in telecommunication and their name are Mohammad Kamran Business Center Manager of WARID Limitation One of the major limitations while carrying out this research was the lack of cooperation on the part of the management in providing the data regarding the company and its policies. Layoff announcements were obtained from Workplace Trends Company sources say that the lay off campaign had been started as the company was facing a major financial crunch. Smelling the catastrophe, Faisal Ejaz Khan, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), has also resigned while the new CEO is yet to be appointed by the company. When contacted, former spokesperson of Warid Telecom Farah Hussain, confirmed that the entire PR section had been abolished. She also confirmed that CEO Faisal Ejaz Khan had also resigned. No responsible officer is there at the company now to confirm anything about the company status, she added. Reported annual employees Rate Warid has decided to wrap up its PR department, while it will outsource its PR activities through some PR agency, told us a source ââ¬â familiar with the situation. Furthermore Farah Hussain, Manager PR and Rehan Zia, PR Officer resigned from their responsibilities. Another source while speaking with us confirmed that Warid was intending closure of its PR department for last couple of months. In the same connection, company will outsource all of its PR activities. However, we donââ¬â¢t know about what PR agency Warid will work with for its PR activities. Source further confirmed that Farah Hussain and Rehan Zia were asked to report new GM Marketing in Lahore. However, Farah Hussain who was based in Islamabad and Rehan Zia, who used to sit at Karachi office denied to move to Lahore, and eventually resigned. We were unable to fetch official view point of Warid over the situation. We are familiar with Waridââ¬â¢s marketing performance in last couple of quarters, and now closure its PR department ââ¬â we are not sure about companyââ¬â¢s intentions. (Reference 6) Questionnaire: FROM THE RESULTS OF THE PILOT SURVEY WE HAVE FRAMED THE FOLLOWING RESEARCH QUESTIONS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF ââ¬Å"CONSUMERââ¬â¢Sà FAVOURITE TV COMMERCIAL AND PRODUCT USEDâ⬠. Section 1: Demographic information 1. How old are you? Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 30 Above 30 2. What is your relationship status? Married Unmarried Section 2: Interest and life commitments 3. Do you take interest in watching TV ads? Yesà à No 4. Do these ads have any impact on your buying decision? Yesà à No Section 3: Favourites for ads and products 5. Which is your favourite milk brand? Haleeb * Olpers * Milk pack * Good milk * Any other then specify . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Which is your favorite TV ad of milk? * Haleeb * Olpers * Milk pack * Good milk * Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite mobile brand? Nokia Samsung Matrola Sony Ericson * à Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite TV ad of mobile? Nokia Samsung Matrola Sony Ericson Any other then specify 5. Whic h is your favourite ice cream brand? Walls Omore Yummy Gourmet Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite TV ad of ice cream? Walls Omore Yummy Gourmet Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite mobile connection? Jazz * ufone warid Telenor Any other then specify 5. Which are your favourite TV ads of mobile connection? Jazz U fone Warid Telenor Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite shampoo? Dove Pentene * Sunsilk * Head and shoulders * Any other then specify 5. Which is your favourite TV add of shampoo? Dove Pentene Sunsilk Head and shoulders Any other then specify Section 4: Getting a balance 5. Do the adds help you to perceive about product? ?à Yesà ? No 16. Do the TV ads influence your shopping? ?à Yesà ? No 17. Do you think that there is Difference between favorite TV commercial and product used? ?à Yesà ? No Independent Variables: Changing market conditions:à if there is any change in market condition that will not effect on the motivation and workforce ability of warid employees * Merging of two or more firms (wateen): the collaboration and new way to perform create the motivation level, but here no effect on the workforce in warid * Strategy changes:à If the strategy change in the perf ormance of employees that will no effect on downsizing, but it is considered that the change in competitor strategy, that will effect. Dependent Variables: * Profit Margin:à A company's profit margin is calculated by dividing profits by sales. This ratio can be a reverse proxy for the cost of producing each dollar of sales. If the per unit labor cost decreases as a result of downsizing, profit margin will rise. * * Asset Efficiency:à The asset efficiency of a company is measured by dividing sales by assets. This measure identifies how efficiently a company is using its assets to produce its sales. If a firm can reduce its assets while eliminating employees and simultaneously maintain or increase sales, it will enhance its asset efficiency. In contrast, if sales significantly drop with the reduction in staff, asset efficiency could remain constant or even decrease. Market-to-Book Ratio: A company's market-to-book ratio is calculated by dividing the market value of the equity of a firm by its value on the books. This measure more directly reflects the investors' perceptions of future performance than current or past performance. Thus, if investors believe that the announced layoff will improve the future effectiveness of t he company, the ratio should increase. * Disaster in new projectà : this is dependent on the workforce of company. Because there lose in the company and they compensate through decrease in expensis may be in the shape of employees layoff Hypothesis Testing and Data Analysis Q1| | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 30. 0| | 2| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 60. 0| | 3| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q2| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 5| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 30. 0| | 6| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 70. 0| | 7| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q3| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| 100. 0| Q4| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 40. 0| | 3| 6| 60. 0| 60. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q5| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 8| 80. 0| 80. 0| 80. 0| | 3| 2| 20. 0| 20. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q6| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 9| 90. 0| 90. 0| 90. 0| | 3| 1| 10. 0| 10. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q7| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 8| 7| 70. 0| 70. 0| 70. 0| | 9| 2| 20. 0| 20. 0| 90. 0| | 10| 1| 10. 0| 10. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q8| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 2| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 40. 0| | 3| 6| 60. 0| 60. 0| 100. 0| Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q9| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 5| 50. 0| 50. 0| 50. 0| | 3| 5| 50. 0| 50. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q10| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 1| 7| 70. 0| 70. 0| 70. 0| | 3| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q11| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 14| 7| 70. 0| 70. 0| 70. 0| | 15| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q12| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 11| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 30. 0| | 12| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 60. | | 13| 4| 40. 0| 40. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q13| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 12| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 30. 0| | 13| 7| 70. 0| 70. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Q14| | | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| 16| 6| 60. 0| 60. 0| 60. 0| | 17| 1| 10. 0| 10. 0| 70. 0| | 18| 3| 30. 0| 30. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 10| 100. 0| 100. 0| | Gender Percentage in Research: . 1. Which mobile connection you are using except warid? 2. What you think, Service of WARID as an employee or a customer is? 3. What do you think that the sales of WARID are decreasing? . The downsizing of warid is due to external causes? 5. Work force in Warid i s decreasing? 6. Is there any effect on existing employees of warid due to downsizing? 7. After downsizing employees start working 8. Warid is providing fast internet facility than its competitor? 9. SMS craze package is cheaper then its competitor? 11. WARID should focus on 1. Packages rate 2. Advertisement 3. No idea 12. How would you rate the general services of WAID? 13. The current situation of WARID? 14. The reason in warid downsizing is Result of Questionnaire: This survey generates the following result according to the people and employees of warid. Basically people and employees of warid using mobilink connect more frequently and among youngsters, Ufone is more common. But they are just satisfying with the Warid services. All of the people and respondent agree that the sales of warid are decreased and they are facing lose in business. Here one more main issue arise that is external causes are the main reason in decrease in warid sales and performance so thatââ¬â¢s why the company is facing crisis. This cause some effect on warid employees, they believe that the company is facing crisis and thatââ¬â¢s why company starting layoff. But here some positive aspect is founded. Employees are more efficiently doing their task, and performance level rise due to layoffs. The main reason in decrease in workforce is considered competitor strategy towards customer. They considered, Warid should bring change in the existing packages. Because of this situation in market, employees face fear in work environment and the productivity is decreases. Another fact is founded that is company failed to meet the employeeââ¬â¢s satisfaction level. This is occurring due to the disaster in new project in warid. Selection of Alternative Hypothesis: The alternative hypothesis is selected: That is ââ¬Å"Downsizing create de-motivation and employees become less productive and workforce of warid is decreaseâ⬠Measure of Organizational Downsizing: A standardized measure was developed to provide a more accurate means to compare downsizing in warid. The organizational downsizing variable used in the study is the magnitude of the announced layoff divided by total number of employees in the company. Such a relative assessment of downsizing provides a more accurate means of examining the impact of a layoff on a company's financial performance. So, 200-employee layoff in a firm the size of warid (36,200 employees) is likely very different from a 200employee layoff. Effects of Downsizing: All small business owners know the weighty responsibility of having employees dependent upon him to provide for their families. Despite a popular perceived view, not all business owners are cold-hearted calculating machines caring only for profits at the expense of everyone they step on while rising to the top. Downsizing also has an economic risk. Shrinking a business reduces market value and reduces its customer base, which can be dangerous if perception of the company views it as unreliable. Growth is always viewed as a positive. Downsizing is not, and doing so will require a goodà public relations plan to offset negative publicity and customer perceptions. Another effect is the emotional costs to both owner and employees. Losing a job for any reason is traumatic enough, but losing a job as the result of a business ownerââ¬â¢s decision to downsize can be easily misunderstood Analysis through pie charts presentation This chart show the usage of different networks among people 1. Approximately number of Males who are employed in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone? 2. Approximately number of Males who are employed in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone? 3. What is the turnover ratio in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone? 4. Approximately what percentage of employed has received training internally in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone? 5. What is the percentage of HR function increase in scope and working in Mobilink, Warid, Zong, Telenor ; Ufone Conclusion: The literature review identifies key innovations in workforce development and service delivery and links between productivity and skills, and it suggests reasons why there is a lack of robust evidence across the organization. Some positive conclusions conclude that: * There is a great deal of general evidence on: how best to measure productivity and performance; on links between skills and performance; on the benefits of adopting particular working practices; and workforce planning. * In general, while theà Reviewà suggests that there are many useful lessons to be learned, there are no simple solutions that can be deployed in all circumstances, although there are many examples of good practice The review of the general literature on links between skills and productivity suggests that, while there is strong evidence that investment in human capital is associated with positive benefits, including improved productivity, as with any other investment there is no guarantee that such benefits will accrue in any particular case. By completing this survey we came to conclude that HRM department is the main department of all telecommunication industry but according to our survey WARID have very well established department of HRM but their all employees are de-motivated and less satisfied with HRM department because of the downsizing. All these telecommunication industries focus on employee satisfaction and motivation for this they conduct training sessions give incentives and all kind of benefits that retain their employees. HRM play very important role in all activities so every industry focuses on its function and scope for the betterment in present and future. Downsizing, reduction-in-force, restructuring, lay-offs . . . the human consequences are often the same: Fewer people doing more work. The costly* conflicts that arise in such a cauldron of workplace stress are challenging for any manager, and may even lie on the path toward the manager's own demise. Reference 1: http://propakistani. pk/2009/04/28/franchisers-not-happy-with-warid/ http://www. scribd. com/doc/18644216/Final-Marketing-Project-on-Warid-Telecom http://www. kurwongbss. eq. edu. au/ourschool/resource/selection/selection. htm Reference 2 http://www. apnatime. com/3186/2009/12/16/telecom/zong-and-warid-are-worst-in-human-resource-category/ Reference 3: http://workforcedeanery. westmidlands. nhs. uk/WorkforcePlanning/WorkforceTransformationProject9/Literaturereview/tabid/1483/language/en-US/Default. aspx Reference 4: http://www. scribd. com/doc/25489812/warid-brand-managment-project? ecret_password=&autodown=pdf Reference 5: http://www. google. com. pk/url? sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=10&ved=0CC4QFjAJ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. ispak. com. pk%2FDownloads%2FPakistan_Telecom_Report_2008. pdf&rct=j&q=what+are+the+reason+in+warid+downsizing&ei=P0zhS_jiCIyangP3kOU3&usg=AFQjCNH9BGyaTO91C88zGx67ObCneWTv7w Reference 6: http://propakistani. pk/2009/03/30/warid-wraps-up-pr-department-farr ah-resigns/ http://propakistani. pk/2009/04/15/warid-pr-dept-is-intact-press-release/ http://business. lovetoknow. com/wiki/Downsizin
Sunday, November 10, 2019
ICT impact on social networks size and strengths Essay
Information technology has formed the backbone of socio-economic progression. It has opened the social condensation and propelled communication and business progress to higher performance and productivity levels. However there are various implications on the society that are being looked at as checks and balances in this advancement. The hypothetical position on social networks as within the dimensional and convectional implications is that, ICT has reduced the strength of social networks as well as the strengths of the social networks. The overall and the subsequent repercussion is condensation of the social integration and incubating social diversity into a less dynamic society due to lack of social networks. Overview on ICT impact on social networks A debate has come up on this hypothetical implication on the social networks and how social integration can be reconstructed and strengthened again. According to various research attributes and findings on implications of ICT diversity in the society is mainly based on disintegration of social networks. Andreina M (2002) points out that information technology has become an important tool in the society. She argues that the impacts of the internet on sociability are more diverse. People with lower social skills are negatively affected by ICT developments. These assertion project ICT as a key element social network disintegration. Social networks, according to Andreina, M. , bring together people of different sorts and helps bond society constituents. What is the impact of ICT on social networks size and strength? The hypothetical argument of ICT disintegrating size and strength of social networks is based on the diversity of ICT. Alan N, & John P, R (2002) point out that ICT is revolutionary. This makes its implications on social networks vilified. Current social-economic views on social networks and ICT Alan N, & John P, R (2002) further argue that ICT is a major historical event. At individual level, the revolution might be related to the social impact of IT, in terms of new ways of relating to other people and maintaining social contacts. The behavioural impacts of two-way communications formats, like the internet and the telephone, i-phone and phone messaging. They are used subtly to establish and maintain social relationships forming new infrastructures that facilitate different patterns of interaction. These implications reduce the size and strength of the social networks. There is less communication between certain social partners and groups reducing social interaction. ii- Social networks A synopsis that draws out the contentious breakage of social networks is that they are units of the people who meet and mingle freely to discuss and share their aspects of live. Social networks have incubated new types of networks which fit in to the ICT revolution. Seen in the context of Andreina M (2002), cyberspace networks and cell phone communication-video conferencing social networks have emerged as the breakaway social networks as a result of weakening of human-social networks. The emergence of ICT weakened social networks, and Andreina informs of cognitive and social digital networks are part of the more general cognitive and social networks that individuals are in and can access. Traditional and electronic social networks In her argument on diversity of social network transformation, Andriena examines the rise of technology as also a filler of the gap left by the weakened and less sizeable social network. Social networks consist of mainly friends, family and business circles that regularly meet to share ideas and merge to reach various principal objectives. According to Andreina, this is the offline outlook of social networks. She argues that, the internet cognitive and cultural space cannot be considered separated from the offline experience. If conceptual, it is particularly true when considering the diffusion of ubiquitous technology and cross-channel integrated communications on the net. Andreina M (2002) This point out the dynamism in social networks is now being transformed into a less strong position which is the cyberspace and video conferencing in phones and group messaging through mobile telephony. Earlier outlook of the social networks drew out a picture of a cohesive society where in meeting and sharing through live conversations. The picture today is different, more mobile phone calls and emailing is seen to replace meetings hence, subsequent weakening and reduction of size of the social network. How social networks have changed with emergence of technology Emergence of ICT based networking has transformed the facade of social networking, especially on issue based perspective as well as cognitive socio-economic approach. Earliest communication technologies, like simple conversations that evolved into more long distance forms illustrate the basic nature of one-to-one targeted communications. Meyer. K. , John P, R, Alan N, Anthony, A. (2002); besides, major concerns on the social transformation focus mainly on social life and personal communication and mass communication. Erstwhile, Meyer K. , John P, R, Alan N, Anthony, A. (2002) argue that the change focus is on the social networks secondary activities, social network company and the social network location. Secondary activities feature group television watching and so forth while social company looks at type of individual representation in terms of rankings in social stature. Time spent by the groupââ¬â¢s members, by family members or by friends has become lessened. There is also a decline in level of discussion and verbal communication in live meetings due to the ICT based communication through which the persons in the groups exhaust most of their talks successively and comprehensively.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Essay on psychotropic drugsEssay Writing Service
Essay on psychotropic drugsEssay Writing Service Essay on psychotropic drugs Essay on psychotropic drugsOne of important healthcare issues in the American society is the tendency to prescribe psychotropic drugs to children who are diagnosed with mental illnesses. This is a complex and ambiguous problem; on one hand, mentally ill children can harm themselves or other people and in such cases medications help to reduce health risks and to improve the quality of life for such kids. On the other hand, the long-term impact of psychotropic drugs on children is not properly researched, and therefore the tendency to prescribe psychotropic medications to children might cause adverse health consequences in future (Barnett, 2010). The key thesis of this paper is the following: over-medicating children is inadmissible, and the regulations for prescribing the medications to children should be toughened; it is also necessary to introduce serious responsibility for not following these regulations.The number of children with serious mental diagnoses is increasing along with the proportion of children who are prescribed psychotropic medications. One aspect of this problem is the growing number of mental diagnoses among children; for example, the rate of children who were diagnosed with bipolar disorder increased during the recent decade (Frontline, 2009). Furthermore, the rate of using antidepressants for children above 6 years more than doubled since 1996 (Park, 2011). The question whether these diagnoses are justified is still left open. Children experience changes of mood and extreme emotional states more frequently than adults, and therefore mental diagnoses in children should be specifically justified.Furthermore, antipsychotic drugs which are efficient for adults might have adverse results for childrens health. There are few long-term research studies exploring the impact of antipsychotic drugs on children. Although the use of such drugs might lead to short-term improvement of mental health of children with psychiatric disorders, the functioning o f their nervous system might be suppressed in the long-term perspective, and the consequences of such suppression are likely to be more severe compared to the short-term adverse consequences of mental illness.One more reason to oppose the use of psychotropic drugs in children is the probability that some parents might want to make their kids more manageable and controllable in a simple way instead of paying more attention to their children and using reasonable parenting practices. According to Park (2011), it is only justifiable to use psychotropic drugs in the situations when the childs behavior is tremendously disruptive and is indeed caused by mental illness. Furthermore, Park (2011) states that there are many ADHD cases (which is on the rise among children) when medication is not required. In all cases when it is possible to avoid using psychotropic drugs in children, it is best to choose other ways of treatment because of potentially disruptive adverse effect on the future heal th of these children.Reinberg (2012) opposes the view that American children are overmedicated and illustrates his claim with the statistics of medication use for ADHD treatment among children. According to Reinberg (2012), only 14% of children with mental illnesses receive medications. Basing on these data, Reinberg argues that American children cannot be viewed as overmedicated because the majority of those children who are diagnosed with mental disorders do not receive medications. However, such statements only illustrate the fact that the majority of children with mental disorders were not prescribed medications yet. However, these statements explain neither more than 6-fold increase of rate of ADHD children on medications during the recent two decades nor the fact that the majority of prescribed medications relate to such disorders as behavior disorders, ADHD, eating disorders, anxiety and substance use disorders (Reinberg, 2012). Furthermore, the majority of children who are o n drugs are not receiving alternative methods of treatment.While the effects of psychotropic drugs on childrens health are not studied and are not backed up by valid research, it is not safe to prescribe medications to children with mental illnesses. Along with the potential deterioration of their health and drug addiction, the issues of over-medication have one more negative consequence: readily available medications reduce the incentives for alternative, safer and milder methods of treatment (such as psychotherapy). In addition, the use of medications might be tempting for parents who fail to provide proper care for their children. Therefore, the regulations pertaining to prescribing psychotropic drugs to children should be made very strict in order to eliminate any possible variants of misuse or excess use and to make sure that the rights and future of children are properly protected.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Military History Timeline of the 1900s
A Military History Timeline of the 1900s This timeline chronicles the military history of the last hundred plus years and includes WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and dozens of other conflicts. 1900s September 7, 1901 - Boxer Rebellion ends in ChinaMay 31, 1902 - Second Boer War: Fighting ends with the Treaty of VereenigingFebruary 8, 1904 - Russo-Japanese War: Fighting begins when the Japanese attack the Russian fleet at Port ArthurJanuary 2, 1905 - Russo-Japanese War: Port Arthur SurrendersSeptember 5, 1905 - Russo-Japanese War: The Treaty of Portsmouth ends the conflict 1910s April 21-November 23, 1914 - Mexican Revolution: American forces land and occupy Vera CruzJuly 28, 1914 - World War I: The conflict begins when Austria-Hungary declares war on SerbiaAugust 23, 1914 - World War I: British forces join the fray at the Battle of MonsAugust 23-31, 1914 - World War I: The Germans win a stunning victory at the Battle of TannenbergAugust 28, 1914 - World War I: The Royal Navy wins the Battle of Heligoland Bight.October 19-November 22, 1914 - World War I: Allied forces hold at the First Battle of YpresNovember 1, 1914 - World War I: Vice Admiral Maximilian von Spees German East Asia Squadron wins the Battle of Coronel.November 9, 1914 - World War I: HMAS Sydney defeats SMS Emden at the Battle of CocosDecember 16, 1914 - World War I: German warships raid Scarborough, Hartlepool, and WhitbyDecember 25, 1914 - World War I: The Christmas Truce begins along parts of the Western FrontJanuary 24, 1915 - World War I: The Royal Navy wins the Battle of Dogger BankApril 22-May 25, 1915 - World War I: Allied and German forces fight the Second Battle of Ypres September 25-October 14 - World War I: British forces take heavy losses during the Battle of LoosDecember 23, 1916 - World War I: British Commonwealth forces win the Battle of Magdhaba in the Sinai DesertMarch 9, 1916 - Mexican Revolution: The forces of Pancho Villa raid across the border and burn Columbus, NMOctober 31-November 7, 1917 - World War I: General Sir Edmund Allenby wins the Third Battle of GazaApril 6, 1917 - World War I: The United States enters the warJune 7, 1917 - World War I: General John J. Pershing arrives in England to take command of US forces in EuropeOctober 24-November 19, 1917 - World War I: Italian troops are routed at the Battle of CaporettoNovember 7, 1917 - Russian Revolution: The Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government, beginning the Russian Civil WarJanuary 8, 1918 - World War I: President Woodrow Wilson outlines his Fourteen Points to CongressJune 1-28, 1918 - World War I: US Marines win the Battle of Belleau WoodSeptember 19-October 1, 1918 - World War I: British forces crush the Ottomans at the Battle of Megiddo November 11, 1918 - World War I: An armistice is concluded ending World War I in a victory for the Allies.June 28, 1919 - World War I: The Treaty of Versailles officially ends the war. 1920s June 1923 - Russian Civil War: Fighting ends with the Red capture of Vladivostok and the collapse of the Provisional Priamur GovernmentApril 12, 1927 - Chinese Civil War: Fighting begins between the Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party 1930s October 1934 - Chinese Civil War: The Long March retreat begins with Chinese Communists marching approx. 8,000 miles over 370 daysOctober 3, 1935 - Second Italo-Abyssinian War: The conflict begins when Italian troops invade EthiopiaMay 7, 1936 - Second Italo-Abyssinian War: Fighting ends with the capture of Addis Ababa and the Italian annexation of the countryJuly 17, 1936 - Spanish Civil War: The conflict begins following an attempted coup dà ©tat by Nationalist forcesApril 26, 1937 - Spanish Civil War: The Condor Legion bombs GuernicaSeptember 6-22, 1937 - Spanish Civil War: Republican forces are defeated at the Battle of El MazucoSeptember 29/30, 1938 - World War II: The Munich Agreement cedes the Sudetenland to Nazi GermanyApril 1, 1939 - Spanish Civil War: Nationalist forces crush the final Republican resistance ending the war.September 1, 1939 - World War II: Nazi Germany invades Poland beginning World War IINovember 30, 1939 - Winter War: Fighting between the Soviet Union and Finland begins when Russian troops cross the border following the faked shelling of Mainila December 13, 1939 - World War II: British and German naval forces fight the Battle of the River Plate 1940s February 16, 1940 - World War II: British and German forces violated Norwegian neutrality in the Altmark IncidentMarch 12, 1940 - Winter War: The Moscow Peace Treaty ends the war in the Soviets favorJune 22, 1940 - World War II: After a six-week campaign, Germany defeats France and forces the British to evacuate from DunkirkJuly 3, 1940 - World War II: The Royal Navy attacks Mers el KebirJuly 10-October 31, 1940 - World War II: The Royal Air Force wins the Battle of BritainSeptember 17, 1940 - World War II: Operation Sea Lion, the German invasion of Britain, is indefinitely postponedNovember 11/12, 1940 - World War II: In a daring nighttime raid, British aircraft strike the Italian fleet at the Battle of TarantoDecember 8, 1940 - World War II: British forces in Egypt launch Operation Compass which sweeps across the desert driving the Italians deep into LibyaMarch 11, 1941 - World War II: Pres. Franklin Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease ActMarch 27-29, 1941 - World War II: British naval forces defeat the Italians at the Battle of Cape Matapan April 6-30, 1941 - World War II: German forces win the Battle of GreeceMay 24, 1941 - World War II: HMS Hood is sunk at the Battle of the Denmark StraitMay 27, 1941 - World War II: Following aerial attacks from HMS Ark Royal and fire from British battleships, the German battleship Bismarck is sunk in the North AtlanticJune 22, 1941 - World War II: German forces invade the Soviet Union opening the Eastern FrontSeptember 8, 1941-January 27, 1944 - World War II: German forces conduct the Siege of Leningrad but fail to capture the city.October 2, 1941-January 7, 1942 - World War II: The Soviets win the Battle of MoscowDecember 7, 1941 - World War II: Japanese aircraft attack the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor bringing the United States into the warDecember 8-23, 1941 - World War II: Japan wins the Battle of Wake IslandDecember 8-25, 1941 - World War II: The British are defeated at the Battle of Hong KongDecember 10, 1941 - World War II: HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse are sunk by J apanese aircraft January 7-April 9, 1942 - World War II: Allied forces conduct theà defense of BataanJanuary 31-February 15, 1942 - World War II: The Japanese win theà Battle of SingaporeFebruary 27, 1942 - World War II: The Allies are defeated at theà Battle of the Java SeaMarch 31-April 10 - World War II: Japanese forces conduct theà Indian Ocean RaidApril 18, 1942 - World War II: The planes of theà Doolittle Raidà bomb JapanMay 4-8, 1942 - World War II: US forces turn back the Japanese advance against Port Moresby at theà Battle of the Coral Sea. Fought entirely by aircraft, it was first naval battle in which the opposing ships never sighted each other.May 5-6, 1942 - World War II: US and Filipino forces surrender after theà Battle of CorregidorMay 26-June 21, 1942 - World War II:à General Erwin Rommelà wins theà Battle of GazalaJune 4-7, 1942 - World War II: The US Pacific Fleet defeats the Japanese at theà Battle of Midway, turning the tide in the PacificJuly 1-27, 1942 - World War II: Axis forces are halted at theà First Battle of El Alamein August 7, 1942 - World War II: Allied forces go on the offensive in the Pacific byà landing on GuadalcanalAugust 9, 1942 - World War II: Japanese naval forces win theà Battle of Savo IslandAugust 9-15, 1942 - World War II: The Royal Navy resupplies Malta duringà Operation PedestalAugust 19, 1942 - World War II: Theà Dieppe Raidà ends in disaster for Allied troopsAugust 24-25, 1942 - World War II: Allied and Japanese forces fight theà Battle of the Eastern SolomonsAugust 25-September 7, 1942 - World War II: Allied force on New Guinea win theà Battle of Milne BayAugust 30-September 5, 1942 - World War II: British forces haltà Field Marshal Erwin Rommelà at theà Battle of Alam HalfaOctober 10/11, 1942 - World War II: Allied naval units win theà Battle of Cape EsperanceOctober 23-November 4, 1942 - World War II: British forces underà Lieutenant General Bernard Montgomeryà begin theà Second Battle of El AlameinOctober 25-27, 1942 - World War II: American and Ja panese naval forces fight theà Battle of Santa Cruz November 8-10, 1942 - World War II: American forces land in North Africa as part ofà Operation TorchNovember 12-15, 1942 - World War II: Allied forces win theà Naval Battle of GuadalcanalNovember 27, 1942 - World War II: Theà French fleet is scuttledà at Toulon during Operation LilaNovember 30, 1942 - World War II: Japanese forces win theà Battle of TassafarongaJanuary 29-30, 1943 - World War II: Japanese aircraft win theà Battle of Rennell IslandFebruary 19-25, 1943 - World War II: American troops area defeated at theà Battle of Kasserine PassMarch 2-4, 1943 - World War II: Allied aircraft win theà Battle of the Bismarck SeaApril 18, 1943 - World War II:à Admiral Isoroku Yamamotoà is killed by Allied aircraft duringà Operation VengeanceApril 19-May 16, 1943 - World War II: The Germans suppress theà Warsaw Ghetto Uprisingà in PolandMay 17, 1943 - World War II: As part ofà Operation Chastiseà RAF bombers strike dams in GermanyJuly 9, 1943 - World War II: Allied forces beginà Operation Huskyà and invade Sicily August 17, 1943 - World War II: American bombers conduct the massiveà Schweinfurt-Regensburg RaidSeptember 3-9, 1943 - World War II: American and British forcesà land in ItalySeptember 26, 1943 - World War II: Australian commandoes conductà Operation Jaywickà in Singapore HarborNovember 2, 1943 - World War II: American forces win the Battle of Empress Augusta BayNovember 20-23, 1943 - World War II: American forcesà invade TarawaDecember 26, 1943 - World War II: British naval forces win theà Battle of the North CapeJanuary 22, 1944 - World War II: Allied forces begin Operation Shingle and open theà Battle of AnzioJanuary 31-February 3, 1944 - World War II: US troops fight theà Battle of KwajaleinFebruary 17-18, 1944 - World War II:à Operation Hailstoneà sees Allied aircraft attack the Japanese anchorage at TrukFebruary 17-May 18, 1944 - World War II: Allied forces fight and win theà Battle of Monte CassinoMarch 17-23, 1944 - World War II: Allied forces win theà Battle of EniwetokMarch 24/25, 1944 - World War II: Allied POWs begin theà Great Escapeà from Stalag Luft III June 4, 1944 - World War II: Allied forces capture RomeJune 4, 1944 - World War II: Allied naval forcesà captureà U-505June 6, 1944 - World War II: British airborne forces executeà Operation DeadstickJune 6, 1944 - World War II: The invasion of France begins with Allied troopsà coming ashore in NormandyJune 15, 1944 - World War II: The Allied invasion of the Marianas begins withà landings on SaipanJune 19-20, 1944 - World War II: The US Navy wins theà Battle of the Philippine SeaJuly 21- August 10, 1944 - World War II: Allied troopsà recapture GuamJuly 25-31, 1944 - World War II: Allied troops break out of Normandy duringà Operation CobraAugust 15, 1944 - World War II: Allied troops land in southern France as part ofà Operation DragoonAugust 25, 1944 - World War II: French forces liberate ParisSeptember 15-November 27, 1944 - World War II: Allied forces fight and win theà Battle of PeleliuSeptember 17, 1944 - World War II: American and British paratroopers land in Holland as part ofà Operation Market-Garden October 23-26, 1944 - World War II: US naval forces defeat the Japanese at theà Battle of Leyte Gulf, opening the way for the invasion of the PhilippinesDecember 16, 1944 - World War II: German forces launch a massive offensive in the Ardennes, beginning theà Battle of the Bulge. It ends in a decisive Allied victory the following monthFebruary 9, 1945 - World War II:à HMSà Venturerà sinksà U-864à in the only known battle where one submerged submarine sank anotherFebruary 19, 1945 - World War II: US Marines land onà Iwo JimaMarch 8, 1945 - World War II: US forces secure theà Ludendorff Bridgeà over the RhineMarch 24, 1945 - World War II: Allied forces airdrop over the Rhine duringà Operation VarsityApril 1, 1945 - World War II: Allied forcesà invade the island of OkinawaApril 7, 1945 - World War II: The battleshipà Yamatoà is sunk duringà Operation Ten-GoApril 16-19, 1945 - World War II: Soviet forces win theà Battle of the Seelow HeightsApril 29-May 8, 1945: World War II:à Operations Manna Chowhoundà deliver food to the starving population of the Netherlands May 2, 1945 - World War II:à Berlin fallsà to Soviet forcesMay 7, 1945 - World War II: Nazi Germany surrenders to the Allies, ending the war in EuropeAugust 6, 1945 - World War II: Theà B-29 Superfortressà Enola Gayà drops theà first atom bombà on the city of HiroshimaSeptember 2, 1945 - World War II: The Japanese surrender aboard the battleshipà USSà Missourià ending the war in the PacificDecember 19, 1946 - First Indochina War: Fighting begins between French and Viet Minh forces around Hanoiââ¬â¹October 21, 1947 - Indo-Pakistani War of 1947: The war starts following the invasion of Kashmir by Pakistani troopsMay 14, 1948 - Arab-Israeli War: Following its declaration of independence, Israel is attacked by its Arab neighborsJune 24, 1948 - Cold War: Berlin Blockade begins leading to theà Berlin AirliftJuly 20, 1949 - Arab-Israeli War: Israel makes peace with Syria ending the war 1950s June 25, 1950 - Korean War: North Korean troops cross the 38th Parallel beginning theà Korean WarSeptember 15, 1950 - Korean War: United Nations troops underà General Douglas MacArthurà land at Inchonà and push the North Koreans back to the Yalu RiverNovember 1950 - Korean War: Chinese forces enter the conflict, driving UN forces back over the 38th Parallel.November 26-December 11, 1950 - Korean War: UN forces fight the Chinese at theà Battle of Chosin ReservoirMarch 14, 1951 - Korean War: Seoul is liberated by UN troopsJune 27, 1953 - Korean War: Fighting ends following the establishment of a cease-fire between UN and North Korean/Chinese forcesJuly 26, 1953 - Cuban Revolution: The revolution begins following an attack on the Moncada BarracksMay 7, 1954 - First Indochina War: The French fortress atà Dien Bien Phuà falls effectively ending the warNovember 1, 1954 - Algerian War: National Liberation Front guerrillas attack French targets across Algeria beginning the warO ctober 26, 1956 - Suez Crisis: Israeli troops drop into the Sinai, beginning the conquest of the peninsula 1960s April 15-19, 1961 - Cuban Revolution: The American-backed Bay of Pigs invasion failsJanuary 1959 -à Vietnam War: The North Vietnamese Central Committee issues a secret resolution calling for an armed struggle in South VietnamAugust 2, 1964 - Vietnam War: Theà Gulf of Tonkin Incidentà occurs when North Vietnamese gunboats attack American destroyersMarch 2, 1965 - Vietnam War: Operation Rolling Thunder begins as US aircraft start bombing North VietnamAugust 1965 - Indo-Pakistani War of 1965: The conflict begins when Pakistan launches Operation Gibraltar in Indian KashmirAugust 17-24, 1965 - Vietnam War: US forces begin offensive operations in Vietnam with Operation StarlightNovember 14-18, 1965 - Vietnam War: US troops fight theà Battle of Ia Drangà in VietnamJune 5-10, 1967 - Six-Day War: Israel attacks and defeats Egypt, Syria, and JordanNovember 3-22, 1967 - Vietnam War: American forces win theà Battle of Dak ToJanuary 21, 1968 - Vietnam War: North Vietnamese forces laun ch the Tet Offensive January 23, 1968 - Cold War: Theà Puebloà Incidentà takes place when the North Koreans board and capture USSà Puebloà in international watersApril 8, 1968 - Vietnam War:à US troops relieve the besieged Marines at Khe SanhMay 10-20, 1969 - Vietnam War: US troops fight theà Battle of Hamburger HillJuly 14-18, 1969 - Central America: El Salvador and Honduras fight theà Football War 1970s April 29, 1970 - Vietnam War: American and South Vietnamese forces begin attacking into CambodiaNovember 21, 1970 - Vietnam War: US Special Forcesà raid the POW camp at Son TayDecember 3-16, 1971 - Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: The war begins when India intervenes in the Bangladesh Liberation WarMarch 30, 1972 - Vietnam War: The Peoples Army of North Vietnam begins theà Easter OffensiveJanuary 27, 1973 - Vietnam War: The Paris Peace Accords are signed ending US involvement in the conflictOctober 6-26, 1973 - Yom Kippur War: After initial losses, Israel defeats Egypt and SyriaApril 30, 1975 - Vietnam War: Following theà fall of Saigon, South Vietnam surrenders ending the warJuly 4, 1976 - International Terrorism:à Israeli commandoes land at Entebbe Airportà in Uganda and rescue the passengers of Air France Flight 139December 25, 1979 - Soviet-Afghan War: Soviet airborne forces enter Afghanistan beginning the conflict 1980s September 22, 1980 - Iran-Iraq War: Iraq invades Iran beginning a war that lasts eight yearsApril 2-June 14, 1982 - Falklands War: Following the Argentinean invasion of the Falklands, the islands are liberated by the BritishOctober 25-December 15, 1983 - Invasion of Grenada: After the deposition and execution of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, US forces invade and capture the island.April 15, 1986 - International Terrorism: American aircraftà bomb Libyaà in retaliation for an attack on a West Berlin night clubDecember 20, 1989-January 31, 1990 - Invasion of Panama: US forces invade Panama to oust dictator Manuel Noriega 1990s August 2, 1990 -à Gulf War: Iraqi troops invade KuwaitJanuary 17, 1991 - Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm begins with American and coalition aircraft striking targets in Iraq and KuwaitFebruary 24, 1991 - Gulf War: Coalition ground forces advance into Kuwait and IraqFebruary 27, 1991 - Gulf War: Fighting ends as Kuwait is liberatedJune 25, 1991 - Former Yugoslavia: The first of the wars in the former Yugoslavia begins with the Ten-Day War in SloveniaMarch 24-June 10, 1999 - Kosovo War:à NATO aircraft bomb Yugoslav forces in Kosovo 2000s September 11, 2001 - War on Terror: Al Qaeda attacks the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in WashingtonOctober 7, 2001 - War on Terror: American and British aircraft begin bombing Taliban forces in AfghanistanDecember 12-17, 2001 - War on Terror: Coalition forces fight theà Battle of Tora BoraMarch 19, 2003 - Iraq War: US and British aircraft begin bombing Iraq as a prelude to the ground invasionMarch 24-April 4 - Iraq War: American forces fight theà Battle of NajafApril 9, 2003 - Iraq War: US forces occupy BaghdadDecember 13, 2003 - Iraq War: Saddam Hussein is captured by members of the US 4th Infantry Division and Task Force 121November 7-16, 2004 - Iraq War: Coalition forces fight theà Second Battle of Fallujah
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Capital Investment Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Capital Investment - Thesis Proposal Example The capital investment project related to health that is selected for this paper is expansion and renovation of a diagnostic and imaging department. Effective imaging services in an emergency department begin by having enough space to cater for the high number of emergency cases. The imaging departments are known to offer a wide range of services and thus implying that they expect a high number of patients. Their services can be used in the treatment of different diseases, and injuries (Colchester East Hants Health Authority, 2014). The expansion diagnostic imaging department will be vital in creating enough space for emergency imaging services and providing enough room for new CT scanners. The room will be helpful in establishing modern environment in diagnostic imaging and ensure current standards in this emergency department are addressed. Creation of more space will also be helpful in ensuring that the issue of transferring inpatients to other hospitals is reduced. Third, there will be control and prevention of infections. The expansion will also lead to a new work environment, which will help recruit new emergency specialists and physicians. It will encourage a patient centred experience. Furthermore, there will be an opportunity to ensure that the emergency department for imaging responds to the community increasing needs. Last, it will help develop space for an ambulatory clinic. In funding capital expenditures, there are multiple sources that can be adopted (Sullivan & Steven, 2005. The source used will depend on the needs of the organization and the existence of other projects. In funding for this project, there can be an advance planning so that its funding can be considered in the coming fiscal year. In this regard, the hospital can decide and set some amount that will cater for the project for a given in time. In addition, the funds from this source can be used to supplement
Friday, November 1, 2019
Management Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Management Issue - Essay Example In this study we would be including issues related to organizational culture, communication, motivational factors for the employees, performance appraisal policies of the company, the diversity and change management aspects of Vodafone, preference of leadership styles or traits in the company, team-works, group goals of the divisions, decision-making process, conflict management and negotiation techniques utilized by the management of the company, company politics, and survival kit of Vodafone in times of crisis. Vodafone employs around 83,900 people around the world, in which about 16.5 percent senior positions are occupied by women. Vodafone carries out internal survey to acquire feedback from its stakeholders regarding the organizational process and functions of the company. In a survey conducted in 2010, the company found that 90 percent of the employees were proud to be a part of Vodafone, motivated by the company at every step and loyal towards their responsibilities and the company. The company received 75 out of 100 in employee engagement, which is a really high score. Communication is the core service or product that the company offers, so their global intranet system is actively utilized by the employees to access and transmit information within the organization. The Chief Executives of the company is directly communicated all the information through online team meetings, video conferencing, and emails. The information and change decisions are discussed with the employees through t eam meetings. The culture of the company is based on The Vodafone Way. There is a separate leadership team of 230 people would have been the cornerstone for the project The Vodafone Way. They conducted workshops and presented how the culture of the organization under this new program would be. Changes in structure, accountabilities and governance of the company were made to maintain its position in the stiff competitive telecom
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